Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Riding Without Stirrups: Training or Torture?
Author: Josie AmaniiStirrups can be vital to a rider's balance. A small but quite useful item of horse tack, the stirrups are used from the moment we first mount our horse. They are used to help mount up, sit centrally, and now and again even just to stay in the saddle! So why, if the stirrups are such an important item of horse tack, do our horse riding instructors take great delight in encouraging us to ride without them?! This is a sentiment which is probably shared by most of the equine world (apart from the odd mad few!), and here we take a look at the benefits.
When you are asked to take your stirrups away, it is important that you cross them over the horse's neck, and lay them across the shoulders, not across your saddle. This is for the sake of you, the rider, as the bruised thighs that can result will ensure that you only make that mistake once! Don't worry, you won't cause the horse any discomfort, as if you lay the stirrups flat, they will move in harmony with your horse. Also try to pull the stirrup buckle out from the stirrup bar a little way, and lay this across the neck. By doing this, and pushing the stirrup leather flat under the skirt of the saddle, you can be sure that the buckle is also out of the way of your thighs, which will avoid pinching and bruising.
The main aim of work without stirrups is to assess and improve your balance and core stability. Any security taken from the stirrups is lost, and therefore your instructor will have a much truer portrait of your position's strengths and weaknesses. Without your stirrups, you must try to feel your seat bones, and sit back onto them. It can be very tempting to rock forwards to absorb the movement through the front of your body, however this will cause the horse to tense and hollow. You need to sit back, and really work at absorbing the horse's movement through your hips, pelvis and lower back. The rest of your body should remain still and upright, moving just a little to accommodate the horse. You should also aim to sit as centrally and evenly as possible.
If you are a nervous rider, taking away your stirrups can help to boost your confidence in the long term. You may find it daunting and terrifying on the spur of the moment, but on a quiet horse no-stirrups work will give you increased balance, and a better feel for applying the aids accurately and sympathetically. If you find it unbearably hard, there is no shame in asking to do the initial work in a walk. You can always build up to the trot and canter, and any amount of no stirrups work is beneficial in lengthening the leg and developing security of seat. It is best to admit your fear and address it rather than worry incessantly, and transmit negativity and tension to the horse.
For the more experienced rider, no stirrups work is also a useful way of developing feel and reducing tension. Often tension can build up without us even realising, perhaps through the ankles, or neck, back and shoulders. Being very aware of your body is a key part of being a good rider, and will help you to be more influential.
Stirrups were originally developed as military horse tack, to allow for greater stability when fighting the enemy. Before their development, everybody rode without stirrups, some even without any horse tack at all! If we're not fighting off enemies on horseback any more, you might argue that the modern horse world should perhaps not rely on stirrups as much as we do. However like so many gadgets, stirrups are a device which have made our lives easier, and for that reason are not going to change. However, if you strive to be the best rider you can be, as we all should, then riding without stirrups should be a significant part of your training.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/riding-without-stirrups-training-or-torture-4586786.html
About the Author The Equine Store is filled with quality products for horse and rider, including made to measure or standard size quality English leather dressage saddles. Take a look at the shop at http://www.equine-store.com and quote customer code 'cust01' for 10% off your first purchase.Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Author: Ismail AbdulAzeez* Snail farming does not constitute nuisance to the environment;the droppings are generally firm and odourless.
* Snail are noiseless and easy to handle.
* Snail meat is recommended for patients with hypertension and heart attack due to its low level of cholesterol and fat.
* Snail blood is used during male circumcision,making tribal marks by native doctors.
* Snail blood and palm kernel oil in equal parts could be used to treat stroke and headache.
* The shell could be used for ornamental purposes.
* The shell is a source of calcium and phosphorus replacing bone meal and oyster shell in mixing rations for animals.
* Snail farming require little land or space.
* Feed for snails are cheap and could be source locally.
* Snail farming is not capital intensive when compared with other livestock farming.
* Snail meat contain anti tuberculosis qualities.
* Mucous of Helix Promatia favours action of penicillin.
* Slugs(snails) in coconut milk has curative properties for Asthma.
* Ortho calcium phosphate is a curative substance extracted from snails and used in medicine by Japanese for Kidney disease,anaemia,diabetes and circulatory disorder.
* Snail meat is cooked along with other local herbs,for pregnant women to ease labour.
* Snail farming can be done as a part time business.
*snail farming is less stressful compared to other livestock farming.
* Snail farming can be easily incorpoarted in other livestock farming like grasscutter farming.
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Ismail AbdulAzeez,
The Managing Consultant,
The Thy Consulting,
Website: www.thethyconsulting.com
Tel: 01-7653994,08023050835,07033632285.
About the Author:* Experience: Ten years of business and managment consulting...
* Philosophy: "If it is to be,it is up to me."
* Primary focus: Provision of proven profitable business ideas.For more info on Grasscutter farming visit: www.thethyconsulting.com
* Hobbies: Reading and Teaching.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/small-business-articles/the-benefits-of-snail-farming-832736.html
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Why Are Tractor-Trailer Accidents So Dangerous?
Author: Evan LangstedWhy are tractor-trailer accidents so dangerous?
Accidents involving tractor-trailers are more dangerous than typical passenger vehicle accidents because of the size and weight of tractor-trailers. Most tractor-trailer accidents result in the death of the driver of the passenger vehicle involved.
What is the difference between a tractor-trailer accident and a passenger vehicle accident?
Tractor-trailer accidents are not treated in the same way as passenger vehicle accidents because the trucker and the trucking company are subject to different licensing and insurance laws. There are also different state laws that apply to commercial tractor-trailers.
Why do I need an attorney if I have been involving in an accident with a tractor-trailer?
The trucking company and their insurance company both seek to avoid a legal claim being brought against them, and to minimize any payment they may have to make on a claim. After you have been involved in an accident the trucking company’s insurance adjustor will most likely contact you in an effort to obtain a statement. It is not in your best interest to speak to the insurance company, and you are in no way obligated to by law. An experienced tractor-trailer accident attorney can analyze your circumstances and advise you on what steps to take in order to receive the compensation you are entitled to.
What if I was partly at fault?
The laws governing tractor-trailer accidents differ from state to state, but in some cases, even if you are at fault you may be able to recover damages. It is always best to seek the advice of an attorney regardless of your situation. Even if you don’t think you are entitled to compensation, only an experienced tractor-trailer attorney can fully advise you of your rights.
What causes tractor-trailer accidents?
Many things have been known to cause tractor-trailer accidents including:
• Driver fatigue
• Speeding
• Large blind spots
• Inclement weather
• Overloaded trailers
If you or a loved one has been involved in a tractor-trailer accident, please visit the website of Kalfus & Nachman today. We serve clients in Norfolk and surrounding areas of Virginia.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/personal-injury-articles/why-are-tractortrailer-accidents-so-dangerous-803360.html
Friday, January 30, 2009
What to Expect as a Beginner in Horse Back Riding
Balance is a fundamental element required in learning to ride a horse. Without a good seat, further skills cannot be developed. In learning to balance on a horse, one will learn to move with the horse instead of against it. The natural reaction is to brace one's self and tense their muscles in response to a horse's panic or even just the oddity of its movement underneath a person. This is a matter of time and practice. Often times, an instructor will lead or lunge a horse with a new student on its back. The rider can then take their hands off of the reins and saddle, release their stirrups and truly feel the horse's movement. This is a technique which many trainers employ when working with those new to horse riding. Gripping the saddle is fine for pony rides, but in real riding, one needs to learn sooner rather than later how to balance without this safety blanket.
Basic skills which will be taught in beginner horse riding lessons include the obvious stopping, starting and turning. Skills quickly advance past these necessities to other required skills. Riders must learn to guide a horse with not only hands and reins, but legs as well. This guidance with the legs will be essential in more advanced levels to perform movements such as half passes, leg yielding and other sideways movements.
Leg pressure is also necessary in learning to create bend in a horse - a rather fundamental principal. In beginner horse riding lessons, one will also be taught the basics of form which apply in most fields of riding. One must sit straight, neither slouching on the tailbone, nor perching forward. Legs should be stretched long, with heels down. Hands should be down, just off of the saddle, and elbows held close to the body. Eyes should always be up and looking where one wants their horse to go.
Confidence is a key factor in advancing beyond the basics. In beginner horse back riding lessons, one will learn to truly control a horse. Riders come away from these lessons with a sense of pride and confidence from the knowledge and skills they have gained.
Learn to ride a horse from the comfort of your own home. Lessons include a bonus horseback riding video.
Monday, January 26, 2009
An Overview Of The English Tack Items
There are several main components to the English tack that are different than Western horse tack. Of course, the basic elements are there; the saddle, bridles, stirrups, bits, and harnesses, but for English horses, many of these different items have their own unique twist. Horse riding has been a popular sport in Europe for many years, almost since horses became used for riding, so it is not surprising that they have their own styles of horse supply. The English horse equipment is used for most Olympic sports, and is also used for most other equestrian sports.
The English saddle is different from the western saddle because it is smaller and allows the horse a greatest range of motion. The English bridle has a Cavesson noseband, and is mostly used because it has the greatest functionality. Another English bridle, called the double bridle, has two bits for maximum control by the rider. English riders also use a breastplate to protect the horse in dangerous activities, such as jumping and fox hunting. There is also a difference not only in accessories between the English and Western styles of horse supply, but also in riding style. English riding focuses more on style and precision, while Western riding focuses more on abilities that the horse and rider can do together.
There are many different sources that offer English tack equipment for your horse. Most tack supplies shops offer both the Western tack and English styles. If new materials are too expensive for you, then there are also different discount tack shops that offer the same materials for reduced prices because they are used. Sometimes English horse tack can be a little harder to find, but there are still options. There are many shops that also sell things through the internet. Shipping is sometimes a big expense, so try and find the larger items nearer to home if possible. And of course, if you are new to the style, be sure to consult with a professional before purchasing any equipment.
For the English style of riding, English tack supplies are necessary for professional quality and safety. Riders in the English style need all of the English horse supply accessories to be competitive in the field. Most riding supply shops sell this kind of tack, so finding the right equipment should be pretty easy. Just remember that if starting this style for the first time, then consulting with a professional will ensure that you get the right supplies.
How Important Are Horse Blankets?
Saddle blankets are made to keep horses warm. These blankets are also ideal for protection from wind and other elements. These types of blankets vary in sizes. In fact, most of them are custom-made to perfectly fit around the body of the horse from his chest to rump. Blankets for horses have straps that cross underneath their belly.
Although the blanket are heavily secured and fastened, horses can still move about freely. The most common of these blankets normally have one or two straps that securely buckle in front. However, there are also some designs with closed front, thus requiring it to be slipped over the head of the horse. Also, there are those that have smaller straps lightly lopped around the hind legs of the horse that help to prevent the blanket form slipping sideways.
By standards, horse blankets are normally kept on the horse when it is traveling or when at pasture or in a stall. These blankets are manufactured for different conditions of weather and there are some that are water resistant underneath. Most blankets are manufactured using more modern materials, similar to the ones used in human outdoor wear. However, these blankets are not only to keep horses warm and secure. There are some blankets for horses that are used to keep the hair of the horse short. When worn during the start of autumn and if the horses are kept in a slightly-lit area for at least sixteen hours a day, they won’t grow a winter coat, which is especially beneficial if the horses are being shown. However, if horses are given a partial trace clip or even a full body clip, then blankets are needed at all times if the weather is cool, since the horses no longer have the natural insulation of a longer coat of hair.
Coolers are another types of horse blankets. These are those square blankets that are tied and draped over the horse that has just had a bath or that has just completed an intense workout. These blankets are designed to help cool down a horse because it can provide a better air circulation. Always keep in mind the health of your animals. For horses, have the right blankets to keep them warm and safe.